CONTENUTO/CONTENTS                                                                                                               I  FOTOGRAFI





























































                                                                                                                                                                                                   foto J.S.



















































































































































































































                                                                                                                                                                                                                                foto J.S. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IV 2006


                                      La massima fioritura durante la XVIII Mostra del Narciso è stata registrata nella prima decade di Aprile 2006.



                      Su un tavolo erano esposti esempi di tutte le divisioni della classificazione internazionale (foto in alto). Qui i visitatori venivano introdotti


                                     al mondo dei narcisi, per potter poi osservare con maggiore cognizione i fiori coltivati sui terrazzamenti del vivaio.




                                      During the XVIII Mostra del Narciso the maximum blossom took place during the first decade of April 2006.



                      On a table were exhibited representatives of all divisions of the international classification (first picture). Here the visitors were introduced


                                      to the world of daffodils, in order to be able to view with more understanding the flowers on the terraces of the nursery.





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